Healthy Aging

The Benefits of Black Garlic

The Benefits of Black Garlic

Aside from its use as a seasoning, the benefits of black garlic are its mineral content–calcium, iron, and manganese. In addition to this, aged black garlic is known to help reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of certain illnesses. Aged Black Garlic Benefits Most people think of garlic as a spice for flavoring food, but […]

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What is the Cause of my Back Pain?

What is the Cause of my Back Pain?

Back pain is a prominent complaint among millions, accounting for the large majority of disability cases globally. The linkage between back pain and causation are several, with incidents ranging from collision, injury, poor posture, age, wear & tear, arthritis, and other medical conditions like shingles or spinal infection. Your occupation, health status, activity level, and […]

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Functional Foods for Aging Adults

As healthcare costs continue to rise, aging consumers are buying functional foods to stay healthy longer–no one wants to spend their retirement savings on medical bills. What Are Functional Foods? Functional foods are foods that have health benefits beyond their nutritional value. They may be fortified with vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients, or they may […]

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