Prevent Heart Disease by Learning About Your Heart

Your heart is directly involved in supplying all of your organs with the oxygen they need to function properly. Without it, your body would completely shut down. This is why it’s so important to take good care of your heart. If you develop heart disease, your heart is no longer able to perform its primary function with the same efficiency.

Prevent Heart Disease

Learning more about the anatomy and functions of your heart can help you understand not only the role it plays in your overall well-being but also how you can take better care of it to avoid heart disease.

Functions of the Heart

Each day, your heart pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood if it’s functioning regularly.
Your heart is a key component in keeping your blood cells oxygenated and delivering this
oxygenated blood throughout your body.

Oxygenating Blood

Your cells could not perform their regular functions without oxygen, and oxygen fuels
cellular respiration, which is where your cells use oxygen to break down nutrients into
energy and waste. The waste gets discarded, and the energy is used as fuel for your body.

Since oxygen is such an integral part of your cells’ regular functions, your body has to
ensure a constant supply is reaching your cells at all times, which is accomplished by
oxygenating your blood.

The heart doesn’t supply this oxygen itself, but it does facilitate oxygenation by pumping
deoxygenated blood into the lungs.

Circulating Blood

Once blood has been oxygenated, it moves from the lungs back into the heart. It then has
to reach the rest of your body.

Your heart pumps this blood through your arteries, which carry it to organs and tissues
throughout your body. Contractions, known as heartbeats, push blood through your
circulatory system.

Once the oxygen is used up, blood returns to the heart to be oxygenated once again.

Anatomy of the Heart

Your heart is a complex organ made up of a series of chambers, valves, and tissues. Each
part of the organ is involved in circulating your blood throughout your body, and damage
to any of them can jeopardize your health.


Your heart consists of four chambers. You have left and right atria located in the upper
area of the heart and left and right ventricles in the lower area. The left and right sides are
separated by a muscle wall known as the septum.

Blood enters your heart through the atria from your veins. It passes from the atria into
the ventricles, which then pump the blood out of the heart.

The atria are thinner than the ventricles, as not as much force is needed to transfer blood
between the chambers of the heart. More force is needed to pump blood out through the

The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood and passes it through to your pulmonary
system via the right ventricle. Your left atrium receives oxygenated blood from your lungs,
which is then pumped out from your left ventricle to the rest of your body.


Heart valves control the flow of blood through the heart, ensuring everything stays
moving in the right direction.

Atrioventricular valves, also known as cuspid valves, are located between the atria and
ventricles. They close as the ventricles contract, preventing blood from flowing backward
into the atria once it has passed into the ventricles.

Your heart also contains semilunar valves, which are located near the bases of the
ventricles. These valves close and the ventricles relax, and these actions keep blood from
flowing back into the ventricles after it’s been pumped out into your circulatory system.

Blood Vessels

Your heart is connected to many different blood vessels that carry blood to and from
different cells and organs. These include both veins and arteries. While your veins bring
deoxygenated blood back to your heart, your arteries pump oxygenated blood out of your
heart and through your body.

Your largest artery, the aorta, brings blood to many different areas through smaller
branches. You also have the superior and inferior vena cava, which bring deoxygenated
blood back to the heart from your upper and lower body, respectively. Your pulmonary
artery and veins carry blood between your heart and lungs.

Your heart needs oxygenated blood to function too. This is supplied by the coronary arteries.

How Heart Disease Interferes With These Functions

Heart disease interferes with the regular function of your heart by restricting blood flow.
Plaque builds up in your arteries, causing them to narrow, which in turn, limits how much
blood can pass through them.

Without proper oxygenation in your heart and other parts of your body, your cells won’t
have the energy they need to function properly. This can lead to major complications, like
a heart attack.

Improving Your Health Through Heart Disease Treatment

Thankfully, there are many ways to keep your heart healthy and prevent heart disease.
Common heart disease treatments include following a heart-healthy diet, quitting
smoking, and getting more exercise.

Final Thoughts

Properly caring for your heart allows it to function efficiently. The more heart-healthy
choices you make, the easier it is for your heart to continue to oxygenate and circulate
blood like it’s designed to do.

Next Post
Understanding Stroke: Diagnosis and Treatment
Neuro Health

Understanding Stroke: Diagnosis and Treatment


  1. Reply

    It’s amazing what our heart can do and how many different things have to come together for it to work properly. Knowing about the functions helps to know what’s working.

    • Colleen
    • November 29, 2022

    Avoiding any major heart disease always starts with learning. I’d be more careful and try to make heart-healthy
    choices everyday.

    • Beth
    • November 29, 2022

    Keeping your heart healthy is so important. We all know it pumps blood, but not many of us know just how complicated that process is!

  2. Reply

    This is an amazing resource! The heart is so complicated, and it performs such an important function in the body. We HAVE to take care of it.

    • Stephanie G
    • November 29, 2022

    This is an eye-opening list of how our hearts function. A ‘must-read’ especially before visiting a cardiologist!

  3. Reply

    Ah yes, this is so true. We all need to know more about our hearts so as to live better!

    • Neely Moldovan
    • November 29, 2022

    Really important information that everyone needs to know. our heart health is very important!

  4. Reply

    Such an eye-opening article about the heart. Thank you for sharing.

    • Kat
    • November 30, 2022

    Taking care and knowing about how you body works and its needs is a must for all especially heart health.

    • Rosey
    • November 30, 2022

    As I move into my 50’s, good health has become far more important to me than ever. That includes heart health.

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